PASAI's Newsletter - November/Christmas 2018
It’s been an eventful year for PASAI. Member SAIs, the Secretariat and many strategic development partners and consultants have worked tirelessly towards PASAI’s key priorities in strengthening SAI independence; governance, transparency and accountability; the timely completion of high quality audits, and capacity and capability of Pacific SAIs and all their staff.
While we can’t list all the activities that have gone on in 2018, we’re very pleased to be able to bring you ‘A Year in the Life of SAI Pohnpei’, showing first-hand the challenges and the highlights of serving citizens in a smaller, developing SAI.
In this issue, we also bring you an overview of:
Recent training in Vanuatu (QA) , Cook Islands (SPMR) and SAI CNMI (CPE credits)
Shared experiences in the twinning arrangement between the SAIs of NZ and Samoa
Reflections from three PASAI participants on IDI’s SAI Young Leaders program
News of the asset valuation and management initiatives of SAI Vanuatu and SAI Fiji
Feedback from the IDI Stakeholder Engagement Review meeting in South Africa, attended by six PASAI members from the SAIs of FSM, Solomon Islands and Tonga.
You can read the newsletter online or download it here.
Until the next newsletter in January 2019, best wishes for a wonderful Christmas season and an exciting new year, and enjoy our photo collection from this bumper edition of the newsletter.