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The Office of the Federated States of Micronesia Public Auditor and the Office of Pohnpei State Public Auditor combined forces to execute the Fraud Awareness Flexible Funding project. The project is coordinated through the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman (OCO), and funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) as part of the Pacific Governance and Anti-Corruption program.  FSM's objective is to raise public awareness through their community outreach program by educating the entire community, inclusive of government departments, on the impact of fraud, corruption and suspicious activities. The OPAs aim is to empower the community to be able to identify and correctly report these activities supporting the prevention of fraud and corruption.

As part of their Flexible Funding Project by the Office of Commonwealth Ombudsman (OCO), FSM OPA's have worked together to produce a video to increase public awareness and education of the Public Auditor’s value and benefits. 

The video is called "Paddling together for a fraud free FSM" discusses the role of Auditors in matters relating to fraud, corruption and abuse of public resources, and provides a guideline on citizen’s responsibility to identify and report on the waste and mismanagement of public funds and related resources

You can access this excellent video below: