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Office of the Chuuk State Public Auditor releases assessment report on its performance

The Office of Chuuk State Public Auditor (OCPA) is releasing the assessment report on its performance. The assessment was conducted in September 2019 as part of a regional initiative implemented as part of the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project (PFM) funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI). This project aims to strengthen oversight over public financial management in the Pacific region, through improving the budgetary scrutiny, public financial oversight and accountability capacities of parliaments, supreme audit institutions and civil society within the region, aligning with international public financial oversight and accountability standards, and fostering citizen engagement and oversight.

The OCPA’s performance was assessed against the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs). It followed the methodology prescribed by the Supreme Audit Institutions’ Performance Measurement Framework (SAI-PMF) issued by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions’ (INTOSAI) Working Group on the Values and Benefits of SAIs.

The assessment was conducted by an independent team comprising two members: Mrs Sinaroseta Palamo-Iosefo, PASAI Director of Practice Development (Team Leader) and Ms Alice Etse, Audit Manager from the FSM State of Pohnpei Office of the Public Auditor (POPA).

The assessment was comprehensive and covered six domains with a set of pre-determined performance indicators under each domain. These indicators are either within the control or outside of the control of the OCPA. The six domains are as follows:

A. Independence and Legal Framework

B. Internal Governance and Ethics

C. Audit Quality and Reporting

D. Financial Management, Assets and Support Services

E. Human Resources and Training

F. Communication and Stakeholder Management

Office of Chuuk State Public Auditor Performance Report (PDF)

Assessment Report on OCPA Performance (PDF of media release)