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iCED's next six months of environmental audit training

The International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED)* in Jaipur, India seeks nominations from SAI heads for participants to attend upcoming environmental audit training programmes.

This follows a joint invitation from the Chair of the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) and the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

25 or 26 September 2023

International Webinar on “Audit of Blue Economy, Issues and Challenges with special reference to SDG 14”

Nomination deadline: 8 September 2023

Email nominees’ name and their email addresses to iCED may then request nominees to complete the registration form.

4–16 December 2023

11th International Training Programme (ITP) on “Introduction to Environmental Auditing”

Nomination deadline: 3 November 2023

Complete the ITP nomination form and email it to to nominate SAI candidates.

5–9 February 2024

International Workshop on “Renewable Energy Development Strategies and Mechanisms with special reference to Solar Energy”

Nomination deadline: 5 January 2024

Complete the workshop nomination form and email it to to nominate SAI candidates.

There is comprehensive information about the facilities and programmes available at iCED. Staff at iCED will be in touch with participants, if accepted, for further arrangements.

*iCED is a Global Training Facility of the INTOSAI WGEA

Phone: 0141-2772009/ 2772012/ 2772000
Fax: 0141-2772011/ 2772030