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How many member SAIs are there in PASAI?

We have 29 national, state and territorial government audit office members across four sub-regions. They serve millions of citizens across the Pacific. You can see our interactive map here for more information.


Is rereading the information you have highlighted/marked an efficient way to learn?

No! Research has shown that the brain craves novelty and can actually get bored! So when it is exposed to the same ideas it is familiar with, it reduces blood flow to those areas. This results in attention loss, day dreaming and many other things which are not conducive to learning.

Rereading is a passive process, so instead of re-reading, try applying what you’ve learnt in and make sense of it. Somethings you could try include:

·       paraphrasing it in your own words

·       contextualising it

·       personalising it by relating it to what you already know or associating it with a person/item/memory

·       create a visual by synthesizing the whole text or several highlighted sections into one visual