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PASAI strategy 2024–2034

The PASAI strategy 2024–2034 sets out our strategy for the 10 years to 2034. This strategy, which builds on the success of the previous strategy, was developed using feedback from development partners and comprehensive discussion with, and feedback from, SAI heads. It also responds to the findings of an independent evaluation of our work.

Our strategic priorities are:

  1. Strengthening public financial management (PFM): Advocating for SAI independence and well-functioning PFM systems.

  2. Audit quality: Supporting SAIs to deliver their mandate and to enhance audit quality.

  3. SAI governance: Supporting SAIs to build their governance and enduring capability.

The ultimate outcome we seek is captured in our vision:

Transparent and accountable public administration for the benefit of all Pacific peoples.

We want Pacific peoples to have trust and confidence in the public sector and in how public money is spent. Our mission, therefore, is:

To promote good governance, public accountability and integrity, and to strengthen SAI capability to deliver quality, impactful and timely audits that enhance public sector performance.

Our work is underpinned by our values:

… integrity, independence, inclusion, collaboration and professionalism for the benefit of all Pacific peoples.