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IDI and PASAI Co-operation growing in strengths

PASAI’s co-operation and partnership with the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) is growing.

Speaking at the PASAI booth during the XXII-INCOSAI 2016, Mr. Einar Gorrissen, Director-General of IDI praised the PASAI efforts toward strong and better performance SAIs and also PASAI’s co-operation with IDI.

 “I am particularly proud of the co-operation between IDI and PASAI… Our co-operation has been growing from strength to strength. We work together in co-operative audits and other work programs,” said Mr. Gorrissen.

He also acknowledged ‘the very good support from the PASAI Secretariat’ and that small SAIs have made good progress. In particular, the strong regional support provided by PASAI to its member SAIs.

In conclusion, Mr. Gorrissen congratulated PASAI “on its achievements to date” and reassured PASAI “that IDI stands by as your partner for the SAIs going forward and ultimately for the citizens of the Pacific.”

PASAI and IDI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in September 2016 to co-operate and work in partnership with each other in the development and delivery of their respective initiatives and programmes in the Pacific, to the benefit of Pacific SAIs.

Many relevant matters for PASAI members from the XXII-INCOSAI 2016

At the close of the XXII-INCOSAI 2016 held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates from 5 - 11 December 2016, Mrs Lyn Provost, Controller and Auditor-General of New Zealand and Secretary-General of PASAI reflected on the deliberations during the congress that were relevant to PASAI members.

“I am particularly pleased that the PASAI region has been given the privilege of chairing the Professionalisation theme,” Mrs Provost said.  Theme II of INCOSAI was on Professionalisation and the related session was chaired by New Zealand.

In her reflection on the congress, Mrs Provost stated that “There are so many relevant matters that were raised in those discussions that affect our PASAI members. For example, the growth and support of our public auditors, the implementation of ISSAIs, the use of information technology and data in SAIs, and other important matters.”

INCOSAI was attended by more than 600 delegates from all over the world representing the 194 country members of INTOSAI and their stakeholders. Seven heads of SAIs from the Pacific attended the INCOSAI,  four of them for the first time.  Mrs Provost commented that “One thing that I think is very relevant to PASAI was the development of our future and young leaders and I commend the programmes to you all.”

Mrs Provost will complete her term of office in January 2017. Her great contributions to the INTOSAI community and its development, and to the PASAI region was duly recognised and deservedlyso at INCOSAI.  “This will be my last international event so I really appreciate the support that the PASAI community have provided me. Farewell.”

The Samoa SAI has replaced the New Zealand SAI as the PASAI representative to the INTOSAI Governing Board. The Controller and Auditor-General of Samoa, Mr Fuimaono Camillo Afele attended his first INTOSAI Governing Board meetings during INCOSAI.

PASAI again farewelled Lyn Provost and will really miss her esteemed leadership and professional guidance provided to the SAIs of the region during international and regional forums.

Happy retirement Lyn and all the best to you, Paul and family in your future endeavours.