XXII INCOSAI 5 - 11 December 2016
PASAI representatives at XXII-INCOSAI 2016 Congress.
Fuimaono Camillo Afele, Samoa Controller and Auditor-General of the Samoa SAI, and newly appointed PASAI representative to INCOSAI Governing Board.
PASAI booth at the XXII-INCOSAI 2016 Congress.
15-20 Dec 2016 IDI/PASAI Cooperative Compliance Audit, Apia SAMOA
IDI workshop, Tonga - the workshop facilitators, advisors and participants.
IDI workshop, Tonga - workshop participants.
Participants of the Pacific regional program on public procurement in Apia, Samoa.
The Pacific regional program on compliance audit of public procurement - Review Meeting participants
The Pacific regional program on compliance audit of public procurement - L-R: Keynote Speaker Honorable Minister of Audit Office – Hon. Salā Fata Pinati, Controller & Auditor-General –Fuimaono Afele, INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) Program Manager PASAI region, Mr Md Shofiqul Islam
Pacific Auditors participated in the “Walk Against Corruption” to celebrate International Anti-Corruption Day 9th December 2016 with OAG Solomon Islands. Photo taken with Solomon Islands Honourable Prime Minister and Auditor General of Solomon Islands
Regional Workshop on Strengthening Oversight Functions of Public Financial Management through Internal and External Audit, held in Honiara, Solomon Islands - Workshop participants
The team on the balcony of the PASAI Secretariat office in Parnell, Auckland.
Fiji Office of the Auditor-General Directors and Senior management staff with the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Economy, Ms Makereta Konrote (front row, second from the right) and PASAI workshop facilitators.
Team discussions taking place in the PASAI Secretariat conference/board room.
PASAI Secretariat Team Planning Meeting - The PASAI Secretariat Team at the Parnell, Auckland office.
Building Capacity to Effectively Audit the Management of Public Assets - Workshop Participants
Building Capacity to Effectively Audit the Management of Public Assets - First Study Tour – National Airport Corporation, Day 2 of the workshop
Image of Group 2, Cabinet Members, Chief Executives of Local Government, Directors of Government Departments, Finance and Administration staff, Public Auditors of FSM and staff.
Image of Group 1, Members of the Legislature of Pohnpei State and staff of the Office of Public Auditor of Pohnpei State
Supporting performance measurement of public auditors in the Pacific - Image of the workshop facilitators, advisors and participant
Celebrating PASAI Achievements – Talk at ADB Manila - L-R: Mr James Lynch (Deputy Director General, ADB Pacific Department), Mr Eroni Vatuloka (PASAI Advocate), ED Bhimantara Widyajala (Executive Director covering Cook Islands, Fiji, New Zealand, Samoa and Tonga), Mr Tiofilusi Tiueti (Chief Executive, PASAI), Mr Ben Graham (Senior Evaluation Specialist Independent Evaluation Department), Ms Flordeliza dR. Asistin (Senior Operations and Institutional Coordination Officer, ADB Pacific Department)
Supporting performance measurement of the Tuvalu Office of the Auditor-General - Workshop participants and co-ordinators.
The participants of the Tonga Office of the Auditor-General Communications workshop, Nuku’alofa, Tonga.
PASAI 19th Congress delegates in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
PASAI 19th Congress delegates in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
Strategic Planning for Public Auditors in Yap - Public Auditor, Mr Achilles Defngin (3 rd left back row) and staff from the Office of the Public Auditor with Ms Palamo-Iosefo (3 rd right back row)
Strengthening PNG AGO Project Team, from left: Benly Micah, Dallas Kila, Philip Nauga (AuditorGeneral) and To’oro Aveve (Team Leader).
Presentation of the SAI PMF Assessment Report by Project Team Leader Mr To’oro Aveve A/Manager – Training and Development, Mr Benly Micah Senior Technical Officer – Standards, Ms Dallas Kila Senior Technical Officer – Monitoring presenting the report to Mr Gordon Kega , Acting Deputy Auditor General, Provincial & Local Level Government Audit Division and Executive Officer of the Auditor General Ms Catherine Adiunegiya
Launching of Regional Report – PASAI Advocate Mr Eroni Vatuloka handing over the regional report officially on behalf of PASAI to Mr John Path Chairperson of PASAI Governing Board
Launching of Regional Report – PASAI Advocate Mr Eroni Vatuloka handing over the regional report officially to IDI Ms Archana Shirsat Deputy Director General and Head of Capacity Development
Assessment of the Solomon Islands Office of the Auditor-Genera - The Assessment team with the Auditor General and staffs of SIOAG
PASAI TeamMate® forum participants in Auckland
(L to R): Project team – Agnes Aruwafu PASAI Director Technical Support, Alison McDougall Audit NZ Manager Methodology, Ann Kilpatrick Audit NZ Information Manager, Vance Hetariki TeamMate Australasia Business Development Manager, Aolele Sua-Aloese PASAI Director Advocacy, Engagement and Financing, Tiofilusi Tiueti PASAI Chief Executive.
Participants of the Accountability and Transparency workshop held in Nuku’alofa 19–21 January 2016