PASAI's findings on data and digitalisation feature in the latest INTOSAI Journal. — PASAI
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PASAI's findings on data and digitalisation feature in the latest INTOSAI Journal.


The Autumn 2018 edition of the INTOSAI Journal, now available online at, highlights the Sustainable Development Goals and environmental auditing.

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This issue includes an article by Chuck Young, Managing Director, Office of Public Affairs, US Government Accountability Office. After attending PASAI’s 21st Congress in August 2018, Chuck noted the challenges, changes and opportunities in ‘Embracing the Digital Future’ - the theme of the Congress, and shared excellent insights into the use of data analysis in sharing information via the Journal.

Read his PASAI article on page 38 of the INTOSAI Journal Flip-book.

In the latest edition of the INTOSAI Journal, you will also find...

  • An insightful editorial from Pamela Monroe-Ellis, Auditor General of Jamaica, who reflects on her SAI's journey in contributing to SDG achievement.

  • Enriching feature stories on SAI Indonesia's use of strategic environmental assessments to address sustainability; SAI Thailand's joint approach combined with experiential learning to improve environmental performance audits; and SAI Poland's recent experience in auditing national SDG implementation preparedness.

  • The latest SAI news on Auditor General appointments, along with special reports on goal chair committee meetings, regional congresses and assemblies.

  • A unique perspective on building SAI capacity through technical support in this edition's Spotlight on Capacity Building.

Chuck Young speaking at PASAI’s 21st Congress in August 2018

Chuck Young speaking at PASAI’s 21st Congress in August 2018
