Auckland, New Zealand: - The Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) in collaboration with the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) is delivering an online Human Resource Management training program from 26 August 2020 to 10 December 2020. The objective of this program is to provide technical support to SAIs in the Pacific region on developing and operationalising their Human Resource (HR) strategy. With the uncertainties and closure of international borders, PASAI is using a blended learning approach, with a focus on online learning in the short to medium term. This is PASAI’s first online training since the pandemic.
This program has been designed in response to a SAI needs assessment conducted at the PASAI Congress 2019. Sixteen SAI staff (9 male, 7 female) from government audit offices across the North and South Pacific region are participating in this program. Participating SAIs include the Republic of Fiji, the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), FSM States of Pohnpei and Yap, Kiribati, and Papua New Guinea. The Heads of SAI Pohnpei and Yap will also participate in this program, underlining the strategic importance of HR management and practices to the effective operations of a public audit office.
The training focuses on the role of HR in SAIs and how SAIs ensure that they can achieve success and realise its strategic goals through the development of their staff. Topics covered will include:
The evolution of HR
A comparison of the role of HR in the SAI to the role of the Public Service Commission (PSC)
The four key roles of HR practitioners in the SAI
The importance of HR management in the SAI
An introduction to the Employee Life Cycle and its purpose in terms of managing human resources
The participants will be guided online by the facilitation team of experts on how to develop their respective SAI’s HR strategy. The participants will work in peer networks to support each other, to share experiences and to build sustainable HR practices in their SAIs. Where relevant, templates for various HR processes will be shared and participants will be trained on how to use these templates.
One of PASAI’s strategic priorities is to enhance SAI capacity and capability by supporting SAIs to improve their approaches to managing human resources and related matters. The effectiveness of a SAI depends on its ability to recruit, retain, and employ highly skilled and motivated staff. Despite the traditional role that the PSC plays in managing human resources across the public sector, the SAI’s management team is responsible to ensure that the SAI has the right staff with the right skill set at the right time.
The challenges posed by the pandemic meant that PASAI had to redefine and reinvent its programs and delivery approach to respond swiftly to its members’ development needs. With limited time and resources and recognizing the importance of partnership within the INTOSAI community, PASAI sought the assistance of SNAO to develop and deliver this online support. PASAI has engaged SNAO’s assistance in earlier leadership and management programs and has built a strong partnership with SNAO and is committed to the INTOSAI motto of “mutual experience benefits all”. We are excited with this collaboration between PASAI and other members of the INTOSAI community, in our efforts to strengthen the capabilities of Pacific SAIs in managing their human resources.
The facilitation team includes Ingela Ekblom, Senior Advisor – SNAO International Department, Marianna Van Niekerk, AFROSAI-E Institutional Human Resource and Organizational Development Manager, Tinna Bondestam, Consultant, and Sinaroseta Palamo-Iosefo, PASAI Director Practice Development.
Ms Ingela Ekblom
Senior Advisor, International Department - SNAO
Marianna Van Niekerk
Institutional HR and Organizational Development Manager - AFROSAI-E
Sinaroseta Palamo-Iosefo
Director Practice Development - PASAI
Tinna Bondestam
Consultant, Stockholm - Sweden