Auckland, New Zealand: The Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) held its 32nd Governing Board meeting on 24 November 2022.
Sairusi Dukuno, Acting Auditor-General of Fiji and Chair of the PASAI Governing Board, chaired the meeting attended online by John Ryan, Secretary-General PASAI and Auditor-General of New Zealand.
Esther Lameko-Poutoa, Chief Executive PASAI, and most other members, staff and partners were able to attend the meeting in person for the first time in nearly three years. Senior staff from the Swedish National Audit Office observed the meeting having spent the previous eight days collaborating with PASAI to develop a Human Resources Champions programme for Pacific Islands SAIs.
Attendees of PASAI’s 32nd Governing Board meeting gather outside the conference venue
Ms Lameko-Poutoa provided an overview of the Secretariat’s work during the first four months of the 2022–23 financial year. Her report included:
SAI independence advocacy meetings in Nauru and Solomon Islands,
stakeholder engagement strategies and implementation plans developed for SAIs in the Federated States of Micronesia and Solomon Islands,
an update of the financial statements of government audits in the region, support for ISSAI compliance,
delivery of strategic audit planning and financial reporting/accounting workshops, and
technical assistance to design and implement strategic plans and performance monitoring systems for four member SAIs.
The Governing Board endorsed the revisions proposed for 10 of PASAI’s policies that had become due for a review.
Members had a fruitful evaluation session with a facilitator from the Institute of Directors and gathered again the next day with Secretariat staff to commence work on developing PASAI’s next Strategic Plan, set to start in mid-2024.
The Secretariat expresses its gratitude to the Governing Board members for their ongoing assistance and acknowledges its development partners for their continued support of PASAI and its work in the region.
Contact information:
Esther Lameko-Poutoa, Chief Executive PASAI, Auckland, New Zealand
E: P: +64 9 304 1275
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