YOUTUBE VIDEO - 1ST PASAI SECONDMENT {Produced by 1st PASAI Secondees Mr Christian Rivera GUAM OPA and Ms Selai Manegreve TUVALU SAI)
It has been a busy 4 weeks for our secondees from Tuvalu SAI and Guam OPA who assisted PASAI Secretariat with the development of a database for Financial Statements of Government (FSG). The wealth of knowledge gained from the secondees about our PASAI members, over a period of 10 years, is invaluable and we are sure to utilise their skills and experience in future PASAI events.
Special Thanks for Public Auditor of Guam OPA Mr Benjamin J.F Cruz and Auditor General of SAI Tuvalu Mr Eli Lopati for releasing their staff to assist PASAI Secretariat.
PASAI Chief Executive Mr Tiofilusi Tiueti & Secretariat Staff with Secondees - Final Day, Farewell for now.