OPNA releases FSM's 2017 Single Audit Reports
ONPA Releases Fiscal Year 2017 Single Audit Reports on all FSM Governments and Component Units
The Office of the National Public Auditor (ONPA) announces the release of the Fiscal Year 2017 Single Audit Reports. The Single Audits for the FSM Government was outsourced to Deloitte and Touche under the oversight of the ONPA. The audits are completed in compliance to the U.S. Single Audit Act as a requirement of the Compact of Free Association.
A total of 24 reports cover these entities and component units:
FSM National Government Kosrae State Government
Caroline Islands Air, Inc. Kosrae Housing Authority
College of Micronesia-FSM Kosrae Port Authority
FSM Development Bank Kosrae Utilities Authority
FSM Petroleum Corporation
FSM Social Security Administration Pohnpei State Government
FSM Telecommunications Corporation Pohnpei Port Authority
MiCare Plan, Inc. Pohnpei Utilities Corporation
National Fisheries Corporation Pohnpei State Housing Authority
Chuuk State Government Yap State Government
Chuuk State Public Utility Corporation The Diving Seagull, Inc.
Chuuk State Health Care Plan Yap State Public Services Corporation
Yap Visitors Bureau
Digital copies of the audits are now available online at www.fsmopa.fm. Printed copies are available upon request at the ONPA Office in Palikir, Pohnpei.
For more, contact:
Office of the National Public Auditor
P.O Box PS-05
Palikir Pohnpei, FM 96941
Phone: 691.320.2862/2863; Fax: 691.320.5482
Hotline: 691.3206768; Website: www.fsmopa.fm