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Register for webinar on how SAIs can prepare for global trends

INTOSAI’s Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues (SCEI) has published its Navigating Global Trends report, in part to support SAIs prepare for emerging issues.

The report highlights 7 global trends that will shape the future of societies and governments over the next 15 years:

  • erosion of trust in institutions

  • economic challenges

  • digital transformation

  • climate change

  • demographic shifts

  • global migration

  • rising inequalities.

From 5:30 pm (NZT) on 19 March 2025, the SCEI will hold a webinar to:

  • explore the findings of the report

  • share insights with peers

  • discuss the implications of these trends for the future of audit and governance.

We particularly encourage SAI staff responsible for strategic planning and audit planning to register for the webinar. The SCEI will also soon release a guide to help SAIs with limited strategic planning experience use the report.

A letter of invitation from the INTOSAI Chair to join the webinar (and share your foresight activities) as well as further details about the webinar are in the SCEI’s announcement.

Registrations now open for free online environmental auditing courses

Auditors can now register to participate in 2 courses being offered in 2025:

  • Introduction to environmental auditing in the public sector (17 February – 16 March 2025)

  • Auditing water issues (15 September – 12 October 2025)

Course materials are based on INTOSAI’s Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) guidance and the relevant experiences of WGEA members. Course lecturers are from the National Audit Office of Estonia.

Participants who successfully complete all tasks will receive a digital certificate from the University of Tartu.

The courses are fully online, free of charge and self-paced. Performance auditors can get more information and register online.

12th Meeting of the PASAI RWGEA communiqué now available

The Regional Working Group on Environmental Auditing (RWGEA) met in Canberra, Australia from 17 to 19 September 2024. The communiqué records the common themes emerging from the presentations and discussions from this hybrid event.

The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), in partnership with the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Audit Office and PASAI, hosted the meeting.

Related media release: Pacific environmental auditors collaborate in regional meeting

Meeting attendees

Register now for IMPACT 2025

The Office of the Auditor General for Western Australia invites you to attend IMPACT 2025, the International Meeting of Performance Audit Critical Thinkers.

Established in 2016 as an initiative of the Australasian Council of Auditors-General (ACAG), the responsibility to host this biennial conference dedicated to public sector performance audit rotates among member offices.

Themed Performance Auditing with Insight, Influence and Independence, the 2025 conference will take place in Perth, Western Australia from 1 to 2 April. This in-person conference offers you a unique opportunity to share ideas and innovations with other auditing offices, discuss emerging topics and devise solutions to performance auditing issues in a time of increasing complexity and rapid change.

Tickets are now available via the conference website.

The highly competitive ACAG Performance Audit Awards winners will be announced during the conference dinner function, overlooking the beautiful Swan River and Government House gardens. Tickets to the dinner function are included in your conference registration; however, there are limited dinner seats available, so please book early to ensure you don’t miss out.

For all event enquiries, please contact impact25@eventandconferenceco.com.au.

Register for next RWGEA meeting in Canberra, Australia

Registrations are closing soon for the 12th meeting of our Regional Working Group on Environmental Auditing (RWGEA) next month.

A preliminary meeting agenda is now available, following the formal invitation that was sent to member audit offices in June.

Meeting details

Dates: Tuesday 17 to Thursday 19 September 2024
Venue: East Hotel, 69 Canberra Avenue, Kingston, Australian Capital Territory, AUSTRALIA
Hos: Australian National Audit Office
Theme: ‘Auditing in the blue economy’
Sub-themes: ‘Oceans and waterways’ and ‘Climate change and natural disasters’
Attendees: Staff who are involved in environmental audit work (including assurance over sustainability and climate reporting) or those who would like to gain knowledge and skills in these areas
Format: Hybrid
Costs: Meeting attendance is free; however, audit offices will have to meet the travel, meal and accommodation costs of in-person attendees (apart from the Day 2 dinner)
Keynote speaker: Dr Filimon Manoni, Pacific Ocean Commissioner

Dr Manoni’s recent professional roles and academic credentials make him an ideal keynote speaker for this meeting’s themes. Prior to his appointment as Pacific Ocean Commissioner, Dr Manoni served at high levels in the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, the Forum Fisheries Agency and as the Attorney General for the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

The event will be hybrid, so online participants will be able to hear from international guest speakers and panellists. This includes sessions on engaging with the Legislature and creating impact.

There will be targeted training for those attending in person. INTOSAI WGEA Secretary General, Dr Vivi Niemenmaa, will facilitate a practical seminar on scoping performance audit topics and establishing audit criteria on climate action. Dr Niemenmaa is an expert in sustainable development and environmental auditing from SAI Finland.

In-person workshops will build on the introductory performance audit training delivered at the 11th RWGEA meeting and will include ongoing support for environmental auditing after the meeting.

There will be a free optional excursion on Day 3 to the National Museum of Australia for a guided tour of its Great Southern Land Exhibition, thanks to the Australian Capital Territory Audit Office. After the tour, participants will be able to explore the museum’s other features.

Please register online (whether attending in-person or online) by COB Friday 30 August 2024.

The Forum for INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements seeks new members

Standard setting is one of INTOSAI’s most strategically important and visible activities. The Forum for INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements (FIPP) plays a key role in the process of ensuring its quality.

FIPP comprises 16 volunteer members with an interest in ensuring clear, relevant and robust standards. With 3 vacant posts anticipated, there may be a unique opportunity for your SAI to contribute to the development of international standards and methodology for public audit, and through this, impact the quality and effectiveness of public audit globally.

The Chair of the INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee (PSC) has written an invitation for applicants to become a member of the FIPP. There is also background guidance and an application form.

The deadline to apply is 26 July 2024.

Register to attend upcoming webinar on SAI independence and insights from the latest Global SAI Stocktaking Report

The Network of INTOSAI Communication Officers (NICO) Secretariat and the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) invite you to attend an upcoming webinar on SAI independence.

They will explore the key insights from the 2023 Global SAI Stocktaking Report (GSR23) and discuss the latest developments and initiatives regarding SAI independence.

The Right Honourable Helen Clark referred to the recently published GSR23 in her keynote address at Congress last month, so this is a great opportunity to get more familiar with it.

There is an agenda for the webinar, which starts at 6 pm (NZT) on Tuesday 2 July 2024.

As SAI independence and the related topics covered by the GSR23 – such as institutional and professional capacities, audit impact, SAI governance and SAIs’ role in fraud and corruption – are of common interest to the whole INTOSAI community and INTOSAI’s partner organisations, NICO and IDI welcome attendance from our member SAIs and external stakeholders.

To attend online, please seek a link to the webinar, which will be held as a live Zoom meeting, by contacting communications@pasai.org at your earliest convenience.

An identical webinar will also be held at 1 pm UTC on 24 June (which is 1 am NZT on 25 June). Contact NICO@rechnungshof.gv.at for any related questions.

Reminder of chance to improve INTOSAI’s Professional Pronouncements

Some weeks ago, the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) contacted all SAIs and regional organisations with an appeal to participate in the implementation of its Strategic Development Plan 2023–2028.

Through 5 initiatives, the SDP plans to take a thorough look at the INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP) with a view to:

  1. improve accessibility

  2. develop clearer and consistent terminology

  3. update the content and presentation of the INTOSAI Principles

  4. ensure clarity of the ISSAIs

  5. develop a better approach to providing guidance.

Taking part in this project is a great opportunity to provide valuable experience for SAI staff, and a chance to contribute to INTOSAI's work.

The PSC needs your feedback and nominations of either team leaders or team members by 12 June 2024, as well as an indication which initiative(s) you could see your institution contributing to in this important IFPP development.

The secretariat of the PSC welcomes any questions by emailing eca-psc@eca.europa.eu.

Concept papers for the 5 initiatives

25th PASAI Congress Communiqué


25th Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) Congress
Rarotonga, Cook Islands
20 to 24 May 2024

PASAI Communiqué

  1. PASAI held its 25th Congress in Rarotonga, Cook Islands from 20 to 24 May 2024 hosted by the Cook Islands Audit Office. The theme for the Congress was “Strengthening performance: making a difference in the lives of Pacific people.” Representatives of 26 PASAI member national, state or territory government audit offices attended from American Samoa, the Australian National Audit Office, Australian Capital Territory (Australia), New South Wales (Australia), Queensland (Australia), Western Australia (Australia), the Cook Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) National, FSM Chuuk, FSM Kosrae, FSM Pohnpei, FSM Yap, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Zealand, the Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

    Representatives attended from the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (Chair of INTOSAI), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, the Cook Islands Public Service Commission, the Cook Islands Public Accounts Committee, the Cook Islands Public Expenditure Review Committee, the Cook Islands Ministry of Culture, INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI), the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), the International Journal of Government Auditing, the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Pacific Office, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (Pacific Office), the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA), Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) Papua New Guinea, Fiji Institute of Chartered Accountants (FICA), the Samoa Institute of Accountants (SIA) and the Institute of Solomon Islands Accountants (ISIA).

    In observance of local protocols, the Cook Islands Prime Minister, Hon Mark Brown, escorted the keynote speaker, the Right Honourable Helen Clark, into Are Karioi Nui (the National Auditorium) while a representative of the Ui Ariki offered a welcome Pe’e. The Cook Islands National Art Theatre Dance Team performed and sung the national anthem, and Bishop Tutai Pere delivered an opening message and prayer.

    The House of Ariki, a representative from the Religious Advisory Council, elected representatives from the Cook Islands Parliament, the Cook Islands public sector and PASAI Secretariat staff also attended.

    Influencing SAI independence

  2. SAI Heads were encouraged by the statements of the Cook Islands Prime Minister, Mark Brown, confirming his view that audit independence is crucial to ensure SAIs and their work are credible and trusted, and that he is committed to supporting legislative change to ensure SAI Cook Islands is afforded independence aligned to global standards.

  3. SAI Heads appreciated the keynote address by the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Goodwill Ambassador for SAI Independence, Rt Hon Helen Clark, who summarised the pillars of SAI independence and elaborated on building global coalitions, regional approaches and country-level advocacy in support of SAI independence.

  4. SAI Heads noted Ms Clark’s encouragement to:

    • support stakeholders to understand the role and work of SAIs, including legislators, the media and citizens

    • collaborate with other integrity institutions to strengthen the public financial management (PFM) system and combat corruption

    • work with all available partners with an interest in the PFM system to ensure good governance and accountability mechanisms that are protected in legislation are implemented

    • retain regional and collegial support so that no SAI Head in the Pacific region stands alone.

    PASAI adopts new strategy for 2024–2034

  5. SAI Heads unanimously accepted the recommendation of the Governing Board to endorse PASAI’s 2024–2034 strategy.

  6. SAI Heads and other Congress attendees acknowledged the extensive and inclusive process to develop the new strategy to guide PASAI for the next decade. PASAI’s Governing Board sub-regional representatives and officials from core development partners (the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) spoke to their support of the strategy prior to its adoption.

  7. SAI Heads heard from the INTOSAI Chair and President of the Federal Court of Accounts of Brazil, Minister Bruno Dantas, who conveyed his congratulations on the adoption of the new strategy. SAI Heads acknowledged the critical role SAI Brazil is playing in support of recovery efforts following the widespread and devastating floods that prevented his planned attendance at Congress in person.

  8. SAI Heads appreciated the messages from the INTOSAI Secretary-General, Dr Margit Kraker, and the IDI’s Deputy Director General Professional and Relevant SAIs Department, Archana Shirsat, who conveyed their support for the new strategy and commitment to work in collaboration with PASAI to help implement it.

    Review of the last 10 years

  9. As the last Congress of the 2014–2024 strategic period, SAI Heads celebrated the achievements outlined in Secretariat and sub-regional presentations and recognised the service of past leaders in the Office of the Secretary-General, on the Governing Board and at the Secretariat, who led PASAI over this time.

  10. SAI Heads joined with the Secretary-General and Chair in expressing their gratitude for the funding support provided by PASAI’s core development partners over the last decade and acknowledged the ongoing commitment from MFAT and DFAT for PASAI’s new strategy.

  11. SAI Heads paused to reflect on the recent passing of the SAI Head of FSM Chuuk, Manuel L San Jose, Jr, who had intended to be present at Congress, and noted his contribution as SAI Head both in his country and in the region.

    The future of strengthened performance

  12. SAI Heads acknowledged the importance of strategic coordination and open communication when collaborating with partners at the regional and global level to maximise the effectiveness of development efforts.

  13. SAI Heads recognised the commitment in the new strategy to enabling twinning partnerships to be activated through the provision of funding support, where needed. The Secretary-General noted ongoing commitment to enable twinning partnerships to be established where PASAI has yet to secure funding for them.

  14. SAI Heads acknowledged the benefit relayed by the Leader of the Opposition and Member of the Cook Islands Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Tina Pupuke Brown, of the PAC’s recent visit to New Zealand, noting the power of the alignment of Parliament, SAI and other twinning partnerships to share experience and support development.


  15. SAI Heads acknowledged the environmental and social threats posed by climate change that present an urgent, global risk to public budgets and their particular impact on Pacific nations, and considered the invitation to contribute to the INTOSAI ClimateScanner Initiative which allows SAIs to undertake a rapid assessment on their country’s policies and other initiatives to address climate commitments.

    Strengthening public administration and preventing corruption

  16. SAI Heads noted the impact of corruption in the Pacific as set out in various regional indices and reports and acknowledged the role of the SAI to lead by example and contribute to coordinated efforts to both prevent and detect corruption consistent with their mandate.

  17. SAI Heads noted the high-level regional commitment of the Pacific Island Forum Leaders to the Teieniwa Vision and expressed their desire to contribute to these commitments within their national integrity system.

  18. SAI Heads noted the importance of all the pillars of a national integrity system and how they work collectively to guard against and address corrupt practices. They agreed all institutions in the integrity system need to be resourced to effectively perform their individual roles in fighting corruption with leadership from legislators being critical.

    Strengthening SAI professionalisation

  19. SAI Heads noted the recent revisions to ISSAI 150, which sets out development of a competency framework, human resource (HR) practices, pathways for professional development, and assessing and monitoring competencies. SAI Heads also noted that building the capability and capacity within the accounting profession in the Pacific will be critical to both audit and the effective operation of the PFM systems.

  20. SAI Heads noted the benefits of PASAI and SAI collaboration with the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA) and professional accounting organisations (PAOs) in the region to support professionalisation opportunities for SAI staff and accountants working across the region.

    Building respect for the role of the SAI

  21. SAI Heads noted the encouragement of the Cook Islands Public Service Commissioner, Carl Hunter, to build strong communications channels with the public service commissioners in their respective jurisdictions on matters of common interest.

    Utilising technology

  22. SAI Heads noted the invitation to join a steering group to continue the due diligence and evaluation of the suitability of the AFROSAI-E SAI Enhancement Audit Tool (A-SEAT) for implementation in the Pacific region and noted that if the platform is recommended, a robust and appropriately resourced change management process would be required. This project would require additional investment in PASAI’s mission.

  23. SAI Heads noted the benefits of adopting digital technologies and the financial and change management challenges for all SAIs in implementing them effectively.

    Strengthening performance through PASAI’s new strategic priorities

  24. SAI Heads heard examples of how SAIs facilitate scrutiny by legislatures and use audit reports to enhance accountability and strengthen PFM systems, and noted PASAI’s commitment to focus on this area under the new strategy.

  25. SAI Heads noted audit quality depends on a commitment from SAI leadership to quality and then on systems to support quality management, including a culture that embraces regular feedback and continuous improvement, and noted PASAI’s commitment to further support enhancing audit quality in the new strategy.

  26. SAI Heads discussed the common principles that underpin SAI governance and the importance of SAIs leading by example, and noted PASAI’s support to continue delivering programmes to strengthen SAIs as model organisations within their national PFM and integrity systems.

    Host of the next PASAI Congress

  27. SAI Heads supported, in principle, the offer of SAI New Caledonia to host the 26th PASAI Congress in 2025.

    PASAI general business

  28. SAI Heads acknowledged the service of the SAI Head of Palau for his chairmanship of the Governing Board since the last Congress in February 2023.

  29. SAI Heads adopted the minutes from the 23rd Congress Business Session held online from Wellington, New Zealand on 22 and 24 June 2021 and the minutes from the 24th Congress Business Session held in Palau on 28 February and 3 March 2023.

  30. SAI Heads confirmed SAI Solomon Islands to represent the Melanesian sub-region on the Governing Board and thanked Caleb Sandy, Auditor General of Vanuatu, for his 3 years of service on the Board.

  31. SAI Heads confirmed SAI Marshall Islands to represent the Micronesian sub-region on the Governing Board, SAI Tuvalu to represent the Polynesian sub-region on the Governing Board and noted the previous decision to confirm the continuation of Fuimaono Camillo Afele, SAI Samoa, as PASAI Representative on the INTOSAI Governing Board until 2025.

  32. SAI Heads noted the need to appoint a new ‘Other’ region representative due to the New Caledonian member taking up the role as incoming Chair. SAI Heads accepted the proposal to hold over the appointment of a new ‘Other’ group representative until the appointment of the new Auditor-General of Australia is confirmed.

  33. SAI Heads accepted the recommendations of the Governing Board to:

    • continue to hold PASAI membership fees at current levels

    • in accordance with Article 3 of the PASAI Charter, admit South Australia as a new member of PASAI.

  34. SAI Heads noted the decision of the previous Congress confirming the location of the Secretariat and the designation of the Secretary-General.

  35. SAI Heads expressed their deep gratitude to the Director of Audit and staff of the Cook Islands Audit Office for their warm and generous hospitality in making such excellent arrangements to host the Congress.

Rarotonga, Cook Islands
24 May 2024

PDF version of Communiqué

Livestreaming: Rt Hon Helen Clark making keynote address at PASAI Congress in the Cook Islands

A livestream of the opening and keynote address of our Congress is scheduled to start in 20 minutes on our Facebook page. It is scheduled in Cook Islands time (UTC -10) as follows:

8.30 am
Official welcome by the Cook Islands Ministry of Culture

9.15 am
Message from Mark Brown, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands

9.20 am
Opening remarks

9.30 am
Keynote address, “Influencing SAI Independence” by the Right Honourable Helen Clark, INTOSAI IDC Goodwill Ambassador for SAI Independence.

10.10 am to 12.00 pm
Panel discussion with the Right Honourable Helen Clark

We hope you are able to watch some of it. Media release to follow the livestream.

New HR Guide now available

A new guide is now available to help Pacific Island SAIs navigate human resource management (HRM), providing the tools to deal with the challenges of attracting, developing, rewarding and retaining staff, based on global knowhow and regional experience.

The Human Resources Guide is on our Manuals and guidelines page and was made possible through a lengthy collaboration with senior advisors from the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO).

SNAO has helped us improve the HRM capabilities of staff from Pacific Island SAIs for some years now and is currently co-facilitating our HR Champions Programme for eight of our member offices. Programme participants have already “road-tested” the guide and provided valuable insights to help customise it to our members’ needs, recognising many Pacific Island SAIs have very limited HR resources.

Chapters focus on topics that include HR policies, managing competencies, recruitment, staff well-being, professional development and diversity. We have also compiled supportive material (such as templates, SAI example documents and good practice guidelines) for most chapters in the guide. Users are free to adapt these to suit their specific needs.

Now that almost all member SAIs have recently revised HR strategies and operational plans, the guide will help SAIs formalise processes and policies on recruitment, induction and staff competency to suit their local circumstances but aligned with international good practices.

The guide encourages SAIs to provide equal employment, training and progression opportunities in a human-centric approach. A SAI can perform at its best with professional and engaged staff supported in an inclusive work environment.

New self-paced communications courses open to all member SAI staff

Two new self-paced communications courses are now available on our online Learning Platform.

The courses, Fundamentals of report writing and Interpersonal communications, extensively build on material previously delivered to dozens of SAI staff through remote webinars during the height of pandemic travel restrictions. In their new formats, staff can self-enrol and interact with the courses at their own pace, at times suited to their schedules.

The ‘Fundamentals of report writing’ course takes about two hours to complete and covers the following principles:

  • Thinking and planning

  • Writing

  • Presentation

  • Editing and proofreading

The ‘Interpersonal communications’ course takes about two hours to complete and includes modules on:

  • Verbal communication

  • Non-verbal communication

  • Listening

  • Written communication

  • Inclusive language

  • Building rapport

  • What to avoid as a new auditor in a professional environment

Because the courses teach skills essential to all auditors, investigators and even support staff, we have re-designed them to be self-paced. That way, we do not have to wait for enough new recruits to run the courses.

With the rise of digital platforms and remote work, effective communication skills have become more crucial than ever. Some of the course content covers advanced communications skills tailored to the modern workplace where communicating via email and in videoconferences has become the norm, so even senior staff are likely to benefit from taking the courses as well.

Participants will have to demonstrate their comprehension of course content to progress through the modules and pass quizzes before being able to download certificates of completion.

We offer the courses to all staff in our member network as an integral component of our Competency Framework, part of our broader efforts to enhance the capabilities of government auditors in the Pacific region.

The courses provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of report writing and interpersonal communications, enabling auditors to effectively communicate their findings and recommendations to stakeholders.

Effective communication is a vital aspect of the audit process, and these courses will help auditors in the Pacific to perform better audit fieldwork, interact more professionally in the office and deliver high-quality reports.

Staff who already have a Learning Platform account can simply log in and access the courses from the Home page. Others will just have to follow the simple steps to create a new account after clicking on the padlock icon.

We encourage all audit office staff in the Pacific to take advantage of these courses and enhance their communication skills for the benefit of their respective jurisdictions.

Excitement builds for inaugural women symposium

Everything is nearly ready for next week’s Governance and Leadership Women Symposium, to be held over three days in Apia, Samoa.

Around 100 delegates and speakers from across the Pacific Islands will gather for what is a first-of-its-kind event for PASAI. This meeting will engage an illustrious panel of local and international speakers who will share their experiences and insights to enhance the capacity and capability of current and emerging female leaders.

While slightly more than half of staff who work at government audit offices in the Pacific are women, their representation among those who hold managerial and leadership positions rapidly dwindles with increasing levels of seniority.

Samoa, rich in examples of women who have excelled in leadership positions across business and government, provides an ideal setting to inspire increasing standards of gender equality and inclusiveness.

The programme is designed to enable inclusive engagement and will provide a great opportunity to network with delegates, speakers and Samoan women in leadership.

By unlocking the full potential of our workforces, we can more quickly achieve our goal of good governance and accountability within the public sector.

PASAI is privileged to host this symposium in collaboration with the Bank South Pacific (BSP) Samoa and TAUTAI Governance for Economic Growth.


Passing of Eroni Vatuloka, first Executive Director of PASAI

It is with sorrow we recently learnt of the passing of Eroni Vatuloka, the first Executive Director of the PASAI Secretariat. He played a pivotal role in shaping PASAI into the respected association it is today. His work contributed to the increased effectiveness of supreme audit institutions across the Pacific region.

He later acted as a PASAI Advocate and Public Financial Management (PFM) Consultant. He helped facilitate workshops for the public accounts committees and public expenditure committees of several Pacific Island parliaments, improving their understanding of their own role within national PFM systems.

Mr Vatuloka's dedicated service and invaluable contributions have left an indelible mark on the audit community and the pursuit of excellence in public financial management in the Pacific region.

We extend our deepest condolences to Mr Vatuloka's family, friends and former colleagues in the audit community during this difficult time.


Satrunino Tewid
PASAI Chairman
Public Auditor, Palau

John Ryan
PASAI Secretary-General
Controller and Auditor General, New Zealand