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1ST PASAI Secondment ends after 4 weeks

YOUTUBE VIDEO - 1ST PASAI SECONDMENT https://youtu.be/4MP-dAwsCeY {Produced by 1st PASAI Secondees Mr Christian Rivera GUAM OPA and Ms Selai Manegreve TUVALU SAI)

It has been a busy 4 weeks for our secondees from Tuvalu SAI and Guam OPA who assisted PASAI Secretariat with the development of a database for Financial Statements of Government (FSG). The wealth of knowledge gained from the secondees about our PASAI members, over a period of 10 years, is invaluable and we are sure to utilise their skills and experience in future PASAI events.

Special Thanks for Public Auditor of Guam OPA Mr Benjamin J.F Cruz and Auditor General of SAI Tuvalu Mr Eli Lopati for releasing their staff to assist PASAI Secretariat.

PASAI Chief Executive Mr Tiofilusi Tiueti & Secretariat Staff with Secondees - Final Day, Farewell for now.

PASAI Chief Executive Mr Tiofilusi Tiueti & Secretariat Staff with Secondees - Final Day, Farewell for now.

2020 IMPACT International Meeting of Performance Audit Critical Thinkers

DETAILS of REGISTRATION can be found on this link - https://cis.eventsair.com/impact-2020/

A message from the Auditor General of Victoria Auditor General’s Office (VAGO)….

As Victorian Auditor-General, I am proud to be hosting IMPACT 2020 in partnership with the Australasian Council of Auditors-General (ACAG).

IMPACT is the biennial International Meeting of Performance Audit Critical Thinkers. In 2020 our focus will be on how performance audit promotes transparency in government.

Our keynote speakers include: The Hon Kenneth Hayne AC; our MC, Sara James is an Emmy Award-winning broadcast journalist and author; Guest speakers include John Daley, Gill Callister, Beverly Romeo-Beehler, Iain Walker and Marcus Stewart.

The conference and networking events will be held at Melbourne’s iconic Arts Centre, in the heart of the city.

Who should attend?

We invite all professionals interested in audit, critical thinking and transparency in government to join us.

This includes performance auditors, public servants involved in improvement and evaluation, evidence-based policy practitioners, professionals in other integrity organisations, along with those interested in the role of external audit.

Dates & Program

Day One: Monday 23 March, 2020 - The Big Picture

Conversations with key note speakers and panel discussions

Day Two:  Tuesday 24 March, 2020 - In Focus

Focusing on performance audit with opportunities to share learnings and examples from practitioners through a range of plenary sessions. 

I look forward to seeing you in Melbourne in March 2020.

Andrew Greaves


Victorian Auditor-General's Office 



CBC Workstream on Auditing in Complex and Challenging Contexts - WEBINAR

Log on




3 December 2019

3pm – 4pm Eastern European Time


Log on to the webinar on:


-via Google Chrome, Firefox or Edge


Listen to: Challenges facing SAIs in responding to the needs of the state

the Deputy Auditor General of the Office of the Auditor General of Kosovo, Mr Salihu, will describe how SAI Kosovo responds to requests for audits from Parliament and civil society organizations.



the webinar is interactive, and questions invited.


Organised by the:

INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee
Workstream on Auditing in Complex and Challenging Contexts



Senior SAI staff



If you plan to join and want more information email david.goldsworthy@developmentaction.co.uk

Trials of the technology can be arranged beforehand



Pacific Government Audit Offices’ Performance Results Analysed

Port Vila, Vanuatu (15 November 2019) – Five audit offices’ in the Pacific undertook a review of its operations using the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) performance measurement framework (PMF).

A workshop organised by the Pacific Supreme Audit Institution (PASAI), provided an opportunity to continue the capacity development efforts of national public auditors in the respective supreme audit institutions (SAI) in using the PMF tool and provide guidance on preparing performance reports.

This initiative was made possible through the ‘Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project’.

It aims to strengthen oversight over public financial management in the Pacific region through improving the budgetary scrutiny, public financial oversight and accountability capacities of parliaments, supreme audit institutions and civil society within the region, aligning with international public financial oversight and accountability standards, and fostering citizen engagement and oversight.

The Project is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by UNDP in partnership with PASAI.

This is the second and final workshop for this regional programme, which is a continuation from the planning workshop in May this year and the assessment fieldwork conducted in the last four months in five audit offices in State Chuuk, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Fiji, Kiribati and Vanuatu.

In his opening remarks, the Auditor General of Vanuatu Audit Office, Caleb Sandy, emphasized the importance of measuring SAI’s performance to ensure they are well-equipped and capable to deliver value and benefits for citizens.

“The comprehensive assessment highlights key areas for improvement which will help our respective Offices determine necessary actions to address these deficiencies and strengthen our capability to serve our people,” said Sandy.

Facilitated by PASAI’s Director Practice Development, Sinaroseta Palamo-Iosefo, and INTOSAI Development Initiative’s (IDI) SAI PMF Advisor, Irina Sprenglewski, the workshop involved developing the performance report to describe a holistic picture of the SAI’s performance. Delegates analysed the results of performance assessed, identified root causes of the performance, and integrated the external factors that are beyond the audit Offices’ control that influence their performance.

The Public auditor of State Chuuk, Manny San Jose, said, “Participating in this workshop really helped me have a better understanding of the comprehensive standards and criteria used to measure SAI performance”.

Sinaroseta Palamo-Iosefo who also manages the SAI PMF programme in the region said, “Writing the SAI performance report demands careful analysis and interpretation of the assessment results to ensure the report complies with the prescribed methodology and adequately describes the performance of the SAI”.  

In the next few weeks, the assessment teams will finalize the respective performance report they are responsible for, to be ready for IDI’s independent quality review. The workshop was held from 11 – 15 November 2019.  

(Vanuatu Auditor General, Mr Caleb Sandy, delivering opening address)

(Vanuatu Auditor General, Mr Caleb Sandy, delivering opening address)

PASAI also acknowledges the continuous support of the Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).


The ‘Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project’ aims to strengthen oversight over public financial management in the Pacific region through improving the budgetary scrutiny, public financial oversight and accountability capacities of parliaments, supreme audit institutions and civil society within the region, aligning with international public financial oversight and accountability standards, and fostering citizen engagement and oversight. The Pacific Project is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI).

Contact information:

  1. Mrs. Sinaroseta Palamo-Iosefo, PASAI Director Practice Development, PASAI, Auckland, NZ.
    E: sina.iosefo@pasai.org P:+64 9 304 1275

  2. Jone Tuiipelehaki Raqauqau, Effective Governance – Communications Associate, UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji.
    E: jone.raqauqau@undp.org, P: 3227 552

Photo: Workshop participants and facilitators

Photo: Workshop participants and facilitators



Tarawa, Kiribati (25 October 2019) – Recognizing the importance of achieving high quality audits and compliance with international standards is key to an effective, efficient and timely audit system.

In a recent audit analysis, the Kiribati Audit Office underwent a review of their audit methodology by the Pacific Supreme Audit Institution (PASAI).

This review follows the successful SAI Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) assessment that was completed for Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Kiribati in September, and the preliminary results provided useful input.

The ‘Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project’ aims to strengthen oversight over public financial management in the Pacific region through improving the budgetary scrutiny, public financial oversight and accountability capacities of parliaments, supreme audit institutions and civil society within the region, aligning with international public financial oversight and accountability standards, and fostering citizen engagement and oversight. The Project is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI).

Following the two-week SAI support, the Auditor General, Eriati Manaima said the program was useful in setting a refined methodology for his office. 

 “This support programme has been useful because it is refining our audit approach to strive towards conducting quality audits according to International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs),” said Manaima.

He added, “The requirement for the office to also comply with ISSAIs is prescribed in the current Audit Act.   However, we need more efforts to work on our new methodology and are fortunate to have PASAI provide that ongoing technical support.”

The support was provided by PASAI Director of Technical Support, A’eau Agnes Aruwafu, who assessed the audit methodology that exists through assisting an audit team to complete the audit of a Kiribati State Owned Enterprise throughout the audit process, from the pre-engagement phase, planning, fieldwork and to the reporting phase. 

PASAI’s Chief Executive Mr Tiofilusi Tiueti said “This audit exercise in Kiribati is a pilot programme and the lessons learned from the approach will provide useful input into supporting other SAIs that are striving to achieve high quality of audits.”

The two-week exercise in Kiribati provided the basis to familiarise with the existing audit practice and determine an approach to refine the audit methodology for the conduct of financial audits. This technical support will continue remotely until the audit report is completed to ensure the refined audit methodology is being followed and the opportunity to provide mentoring and training throughout this audit.

Contact information:

1.       A’eau Agnes Aruwafu Director Technical Support, PASAI Secretariat Office in Parnell, New Zealand.  E: agnes.aruwafu@pasai.org; Tel: +64 9 304 1275,

 2. Jone Tuiipelehaki Raqauqau, Effective Governance – Communications Associate, UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji. E: jone.raqauqau@undp.org, Tel: 3227 552

Download Press Release here

Link to the Online Press Release (www.pasai.org)

Photo: The Kiribati Audit Office Audit team and Auditor General Mr Manaima (Far Right) and PASAI Director Technical Support A’eau Agnes Aruwafu (2nd from Left)

Photo: The Kiribati Audit Office Audit team and Auditor General Mr Manaima (Far Right) and PASAI Director Technical Support A’eau Agnes Aruwafu (2nd from Left)

State Chuuk Office of Public Auditor's performance assessed



State Chuuk Office of Public Auditor’s performance assessed

Weno, Chuuk (30 September 2019) - The Public Audit Office of the State of Chuuk in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) was accorded an assessment by a review team from the Pacific Supreme Audit Institution (PASAI) to measure their performance against international standards.

Referred to as the SAI Performance Measurement Framework (PMF), the assessment is an opportunity for the Public Audit Office to review its core functions, legal framework, internal governance that will be able to allow the Audit Office to confidentially communicate with its internal and external stakeholders.

This is the final SAI PMF assessment for this round of evaluation in the PASAI region which was implemented as part of the activities of the Strengthening Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme Pacific Office in Fiji. PASAI is a responsible party to the project and delivers the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) component and contributes to the strengthening of the budget oversight capacities of PAC from the perspectives of SAIs.

The assessment included interviews with the Public Auditor, Mr Manny San Jose Jr and a series of evidence-based enquiries and documentary reviews throughout the two-week assessment process.

Mr San Jose, who has been in office for just over 18 months said, “I’m looking forward to the report from this assessment to set an objective platform for me to work on in improving the Office’s performance.”

He added, “As a SAI with a small number of staff who, at present, is able to complete only a limited number of audits each year, I am most hopeful that the results of the SAI PMF will help us progress as a team and an office.”

Mr San Jose Jr says that he is particularly keen to learn how to demonstrate to all our stakeholders, including Chuuk’s citizens, that the Public Auditor plays a valuable role in strong governance and the close inspection of public expenditure.

As manager of the SAI PMF initiative across the whole PASAI region, PASAI’s Director of Practice Development Sinaroseta Palamo-Iosefo said, ‘Every SAI presents its own unique set of circumstances and challenges, and it is our role as assessors to ensure that the SAI PMF assessment generates the most helpful and pertinent feedback for the SAI.”

“We are very grateful to the Chuuk Public Auditor and his team for their openness and responsiveness to the whole SAI PMF process,” she added, “and trust that this will impact positively on the SAI’s performance into the future.’  

The Chuuk SAI PMF review team comprised of Sina Palamo-Iosefo and the Audit Manager from FSM State Pohnpei Office of the Public Auditor, Alice Etse. They presented a summary of key findings from the assessment and provided an overview of the framework to all staff for their understanding about the relevance of the assessment to their individual role within the Office.

PASAI extends its gratitude to EU and UNDP for their support through the ‘Strengthening PFM’ project, and to development partners MFAT and DFAT for their ongoing support and contributions to PASAI’s core funding.


Background: The ‘Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project’ aims to strengthen oversight over public financial management in the Pacific region through improving the budgetary scrutiny, public financial oversight and accountability capacities of parliaments, supreme audit institutions and civil society within the region, aligning with international public financial oversight and accountability standards, and fostering citizen engagement and oversight. The Project is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI).



Contact information:

1. Tiofilusi Tiueti, PASAI Chief Executive, PASAI (Auckland, NZ) E: tiofilusi.tiueti@pasai.org P:+64 9 304 1275

2. Jone Tuiipelehaki Raqauqau, Effective Governance – Communications Associate, UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji. E: jone.raqauqau@undp.org, P: 3227 552

Download the press release

Link to the online press release




Front row (l-r): Manny San Jose Jr and Troy Chiwi

(back row l-r) Alice Etse, Gina Lokopwe, Sina Palamo-Iosefo


Media Release: Kiribati Audit Office undergoes its first performance assessment


Kiribati Audit Office undergoes first performance assessment

(Tarawa, Kiribati: 16 September 2019) - In a first of its kind for Kiribati, a review team from the Pacific Supreme Audit Institution (PASAI) have assessed the relative importance and performance dimensions of the Kiribati Audit Office. This was conducted using the international Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) which covers its core audit functions, legal framework, internal governance and communication with stakeholders which ensures the promotion of good governance and effective scrutiny of performance.  

Kiribati’s assessment was made possible through the Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project, funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). PASAI is a responsible party to the project and delivers the SAI component and contributes to the strengthening of the budget oversight capacities of PAC from the perspectives of SAIs.

The SAI PMF is a multi-purpose, universal framework that can be applied in all types of SAIs regardless of governance structure, mandate, national context and development level.

The Auditor General for the Government of Kiribati, Mr Eriati T Manaima, who took up office seven months ago said, “I’m looking forward to the report from this assessment to set an objective platform for me to work on in improving the Office’s performance.” 

The Chairman of the Audit Board, Dr Mareko Tofinga who also plays an oversight role over the operations of the Kiribati Audit Office as stipulated in the Audit Act 2017 echoed the sentiments of the Auditor General.  “As a newly established body, we look forward to any guidance and advice from your report, on areas where the Audit Office needs to improve to align with international standards.”

The manager of the SAI PMF initiative across the whole PASAI region, Sina Palamo-Iosefo commented, “With a new AG and a new Board who oversees the operations of the SAI, the assessment could not have taken place at a better time.” She added, “We are certain that the SAI PMF assessment will provide essential information for the SAI and its Board to determine the relevant support to advance the SAI’s performance to international standards.”

The assessment included interviews with the Auditor General and heads of divisions, a series of evidence-based enquiries and documentary reviews throughout the two-week process. The team comprised of representatives from PASAI, Fiji’s Office of the Auditor General, as well as from the Vanuatu National Audit Office.

The four-member team presented a summary of key findings from the assessment and provided an overview of the framework to all staff for their understanding about the relevance of the assessment to their individual role within the Office.

PASAI extends its gratitude to the EU and UNDP for their support through the ‘Strengthening PFM’ project, and to development partners MFAT and DFAT for their ongoing support and contributions to PASAI’s core funding.

The audit was held from 23 August to 4 September in Tarawa, Kiribati.

This is the third SAI Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) assessment in the PASAI region following the successful SAI PMF planning workshop that was held in Fiji early this year.


Read the media release online

Download the media release

Contact information:

1. Jill Marshall, Communications Advisor, PASAI (Auckland, NZ) E: jill.marshall@pasai.org, P:+64 9 304 1893

2. Jone Tuiipelehaki Raqauqau, Effective Governance – Communications Associate, UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji. E: jone.raqauqau@undp.org, P: (679) 3227 552


Auditor General (middle) with members of the assessment team.


Kirabiti SAI PMF assessment team meeting with Chairman of the Audit Board

Kirabiti SAI PMF assessment team meeting with Chairman of the Audit Board

SAI PMF discussions with the Kiribati Audit Office

SAI PMF discussions with the Kiribati Audit Office

PASAI announces its latest Regional Report - the first cooperative compliance audit on Public Procurement

PASAI regional report:

The first cooperative compliance audit, on
Public Procurement

PASAI is very proud to present our report on the results of the first cooperative compliance audit on Public Procurement.

The audit was a joint initiative between PASAI and the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI). Lead by PASAI’s Director of Technical Support, A’eau Agnes Aruwafu and Mr. Shofiqul Islam, IDI’s Manager of Capacity Development, PASAI’s team of facilitators included two officers from Audit NZ, one auditor each from SAI Cook Islands, Samoa, Norway and Maldives, and PASAI’s Director of Practice Development, Sinaroseta Palamo-Iosefo who helped with design, planning and quality reviews. The whole team met in Oslo to design the program followed by a two-week planning workshop in Auckland, NZ, in 2015, and another week of reporting in Samoa, in Dec 2016. Quality assurance of the reports was done in Dec 2017, with the SAIs’ reports being made public for most in 2018.

It was a long-term yet very successful activity, and this report highlights not only the results of the audits themselves, but also the lessons learnt in being the first region to carry out a cooperative compliance audit, on this particular topic.

This report sits in the PASAI suite of information-sharing regional reports as PASAI continues to support its SAIs as Learning and Knowledge organisation (and we’ll soon be following up with a regional report on the cooperative performance audit of preparedness for implementation of the SDGs). We’re very pleased to share the report in both flipbook format and standard PDF download.

This report is also a first in another way. In the Pacific tradition of story-telling, PASAI’s SAIs have provided longer narratives that go beyond the audit results and share a fuller picture of the whole activity and impact on the SAI, the audited entity and the citizens of their country.

PASAI thanks IDI, its other development partners, the team of facilitators and especially the SAIs who took part, for their huge involvement in this cooperative audit and support for this report.

For more information, please contact PASAI’s Communications Advisor on jill.marshall@pasai.org.

A secondment three years in the making begins in SAI Solomon Islands

Press Release 4 September 2019

Office of the Auditor-General, Solomon Islands:

OAG Solomon Islands.png

In an innovative peer-to-peer arrangement to support the growth of the Solomon Islands Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), Auditor General Peter Lokay, together with Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) and the New Zealand and Australian Governments have worked closely together to coordinate a one year secondment for direct support in the Office.  

PASAI advertised an Expression of Interest in December 2018 and received an overwhelming response.  An assessment of all applications were made and finally Rachel McKechnie - an Associate Director, Specialist Audit and Assurance Services from SAI New Zealand - was selected.

 After nearly a year of behind-the-scenes organisation and comprehensive recruitment activities, Rachel started her secondment at the Office of the Auditor-General in the Solomon Islands (SI-OAG) on 2 September 2019. She will be working with the team as the Deputy Auditor-General (DAG) for the coming year to provide assistance to strengthen the capacity and sustainability of the Office.  

 During the course of the year she will work alongside the Office’s Audit Managers to mentor and coach them so that one of them will take over the DAG position. Other responsibilities will include developing an effective quality control system for the Solomon Islands OAG and liaising with other strategic partners as they collectively seek to embed strengthening audit practices.

 Auditor-General Mr Peter Lokay, who has needed to fill this vacant role since 2016, created this approach and coordinated with PASAI with a vision to help build the capacity of his office to deliver his mandate. New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade (MFAT) is funding Rachel’s deployment while DFAT Australia supports other logistical arrangements.

Says Peter Lokay, ‘We are privileged and thrilled to have Rachel working with us in such a practical guidance role for the next year. I know she will provide much-needed emphasis on quality audits while helping us build capacity for the future. We trust that Rachel will enjoy her time with us as much as we appreciate having her here.

 For the two development partners, MFAT and DFAT, and PASAI and SAI New Zealand, it is a novel arrangement that has taken considerable time and collaboration to organise. New Zealand High Commissioner Don Higgins noted, “The Office of the Auditor-General plays a vital role in providing independent assurance to Parliament and to the people of Solomon Islands that public sector agencies have used public funds for the purposes for which they have been appropriated and in accordance with legislations, financial management rules and regulations. We are delighted to provide this secondment to assist the Auditor-General to carry out these functions.

PASAI’s Chief Executive, Tiofilusi Tiueti, agrees. ‘We are very pleased with the outcome of this important peer support process. As with our very successful twinning and FASTS programmes, this enables a developing SAI to learn directly from a developed SAI and someone who is highly qualified for this role in all senses. We hope that in future we may be able to extend similar peer-to-peer cooperation and arrangements to other SAIs to provide the right support, at the right time, in the right way.’

 The Auditor-General acknowledges all partners in making this arrangement possible which will greatly move the office forward with its mandated programs.


For more information please contact PASAI Communications Advisor on jill.marshall@pasai.org


 Download the press release
















PASAI's 22nd Congress in Fiji looks towards 2030


19 August 2019

PASAI’s 22nd congress focusses on Pacific SAIs’ roles in their government’s implementation of the 2030 agenda and applying strong governance to improve the lives of citizens

Natadola, Fiji, 13- 16 August 2019: PASAI’s 22nd Congress took place at Intercontinental Fiji Golf Resort and Spa, Natadola, Fiji.

Attending the Congress were over 60 participants representing 19 member SAIs, development partner organisations and international bodies supporting the work of PASAI in meeting its strategic plan, subject matter experts on climate change, gender equality and other global initiatives, and PASAI’s Secretariat along with other observers.  The Governing Board of PASAI held their 21st meeting on 12 August 2019 before Congress began, with chairmanship handing over from Mr. Grant Hehir, Auditor-General of Australia, to Fiji’s Auditor-General, Mr. Ajay Nand.

The central theme of the Congress, ‘SAIs’ Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDGs), was introduced by the Speaker of the Fijian Parliament, Hon. Ratu Epeli Nailatikau. In an impressive and inspiring summary, the Speaker emphasised how the implantation of the 2030 Agenda relies on good governance along with the qualities underlined by SDG 16 – openness, transparency and inclusivity. He also stressed that the success of SDG implementation relies on “the whole community having the resources and unwavering will to implement change,” adding, “It is no longer business as usual.”

Attendees heard from organisations, innovators and SAIs from around the region on the many initiatives being undertaken to implement far-reaching SDG strategies, particularly those relating to the region’s biggest challenges – Gender Equality (SDG 5) and Climate Change (SDG 13). On gender issues, UNWomen reported that domestic violence rates in the Pacific are among the highest in the world, while UNDP stated that ‘The Pacific is in a constant state of recovery’ after series of natural disasters. All speakers and PASAI development partners spoke of the role that SAIs can play in questioning governments about their plans to implement the SDGs and monitoring progress against those plans.

PASAI’s member SAIs were encouraged to align their strategies for auditing implementation of the SDGs with their learning from the cooperative audit on preparedness for SDG implementation. It was acknowledged that while Pacific Leaders have committed annually over recent years to implementing the SDGs in Pacific nations, the seventeen SDGs represent cross-flowing issues that may require innovative audit approaches. A single SDG can impact across many different ministries, plans, policies and budgets (horizontal), and across different governance levels (vertical), so a comprehensive approach is required. SAI Heads recognised the many challenges facing them in auditing the implementation of SDGs in the Pacific context, including fitting it in with current SAI priorities and difficulties in accessing and obtaining data that is held in multiple forms and locations.

The Congress then focussed on practical ways that SAIs might approach the audit of SDG implementation, through integration or adaptation of existing frameworks, for example, and by growing capacity and capability via PASAI’s delivery approach for the second half of its 2014- 2024 Strategic Plan which offers ‘the right support, at the right time, in the right way.’ SAI Heads enjoyed a lively ‘Survivor Fiji’ debate delivered by the PASAI Secretariat to analyse and present their SAI-specific capacity-building needs, both in general for the purposes of good governance and accountability, and in readiness for audits of SDG implementation.

Hosted by Fiji’s Office of the Auditor-General and the AG himself, Mr. Ajay Nand, Congress and Governing Board participants enjoyed a wonderful Fijian ‘Welcome home’ from all involved, including a traditional dinner with the citizens of Sanasana village and a motivational speech from Fiji 7s coach, Gareth Baber, who shared many insights into how to lead a world-class team while honouring all their local and personal cultural influences.

PASAI looks forwards to next year’s 23rd PASAI Congress to be hosted by SAI Palau.  

Meanwhile, the full Communiqué from Congress 2019 can be downloaded here, and you can see photos from the event here.

For more information, please contact Jill Marshall, PASAI Communications Advisor, jill.marshall@pasai.org

PASAI Newsletter, No. 18 - the 'Partnership' issue

In this 18th issue of PASAI’s newsletter, we focus on the partnerships that enable us to achieve our many ambitious goals - doing the right things, in the right way, with the right people.

We look at the inter-regional partnership with the introduction of the IntoSAINT tool in two Pacific SAIs, where PASAI members were trained by SAI Mexico to test integrity risks and recommend improvement in audit offices and ministries alike.

We feature the outreach activities of SAIs Nauru, Pohnpei and Kosrae, connecting with citizens to raise public awareness of the role of the SAI, and of fraud and corruption.

We highlight the network of relationships with IDI and all our SAIs to establish full measurement of SAI performance, through our comprehensive SPMR programme combined with the targeted assessment provided by the SAI PMF process.

We hear from the PACs who strive for fine-tuned understanding of Public Financial Management; the youth groups and other citizen communities who join with us to shape their own futures; the working groups bringing attention to specific audits and matters of global interest.

And of course we honour our strategic alliances with the SAIs, INTOSAI regions and development partners who work alongside us to enable us to deliver our strategic plan. PASAI has long enjoyed a strong connection with IDI, MFAT and DFAT in delivering our core support to SAIs. A significant development in 2019 has been the new donor partnership established between PASAI and the EU-UNDP through the ‘Strengthening of public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project’.

You can read more about this in the newsletter, and we also give you a heads-up about the biggest ‘partnership’ event in the PASAI calendar - PASAI’s 22nd Congress, taking place in Natadola, Fiji from 13 - 16 August 2019. SAIs, Development Partners, the Governing Board, PASAI’s Secretariat and interested parties and observers will gather to share news and experiences and find out about PASAI’s approach to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Enjoy this latest issue - Download the newsletter here.

SAI Fiji gathers performance feedback through SAI PMF assessment


SAI Fiji gathers performance feedback through the SAI PMF assessment

Nadi, Fiji –  (19 July 2019)  A performance assessment of the Republic of Fiji’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) has been purposefully conducted to provide objective baseline information on the SAI’s performance, which is built around six core organisational areas.

This was the second SAI PMF assessment in the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institution (PASAI) region following the successful SAI Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) planning workshop that was also held in Fiji.

The workshop had prepared expert teams of assessors made up of a cohort of staff from the PASAI Secretariat, which includes consultants and auditors from SAIs around the region. SAI PMF is a multi-purpose, universal framework, and can be applied in all types of SAIs regardless of governance structure, mandate, national context and development level.

Fiji’s assessment was made possible through the Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project, funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). PASAI is a responsible party to the project and delivers the SAI component and contributes to the strengthening of the budget oversight capacities of PAC from the perspectives of SAIs).

The assessment team updated Fiji’s Auditor-General, Ajay Nand, with the progress of the assessment mid-way through the process and will present a summary of preliminary key findings to the AG as the assessment ends. The Office of the Auditor General emphasised how helpful this exercise has been in setting benchmarks for their work. 

“This assessment will be very useful for Fiji SAI to understand where we can improve and also highlight where the office is performing well,” said Nand.

“In particular, this will help me implement the audit mandate more effectively and make a difference to the lives of Fiji citizens and residents. We have also committed to submit the final report on the findings of assessment to Parliament for transparency.”

Sina and Kelepi interview HR team member.JPG

The review team, comprised of the PASAI Performance Audit Consultant Claire Kelly, PASAI Director of Practice Development, Sinaroseta Palamo-Iosefo and SAI Tonga Assistant Auditor General, Kelepi Makakaufaki, established the Terms of Reference with Fiji’s OAG to guide the assessment.

The assessment, which was carried out in July, included interviews with members of the Executive Management, a questionnaire on SAI management practices to all non-management staff members and a series of evidence-based enquiries and documentary reviews that span the two-week assessment process. 

As the manager of the SAI PMF initiative across the PASAI region, Sina Palamo-Iosefo said, “The SAI PMF assessments provide excellent baseline information for PASAI to determine appropriate interventions for our members.” She added, “It also enables us to monitor the progress of SAI performance over time and continue to identify and provide appropriate support to SAIs where needed. SAI Fiji’s commitment to the process and openness in sharing information with the assessment team in order to do this has been exemplary.”

PASAI extends its gratitude to the EU and UNDP for their support through the ‘Strengthening PFM’ project, and to development partners MFAT and DFAT for their ongoing support and contributions to PASAI’s core funding.


More information:

Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project aims to strengthen oversight over public financial management in the Pacific region, through improving the budgetary scrutiny, public financial oversight and accountability capacities of parliaments, supreme audit institutions and civil society within the region, aligning with international public financial oversight and accountability standards, and fostering citizen engagement and oversight. The Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI).

Contact information:

1. Jill Marshall, Communications Advisor, PASAI (Auckland, NZ) E: jill.marshall@pasai.org, P:+64 9 304 1893

2. Jone Tuiipelehaki Raqauqau, Effective Governance – Communications Associate, UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji. E: jone.raqauqau@undp.org, P: 3227 552


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SAI Vanuatu strengthens performance through SAI PMF assessment


SAI Vanuatu strengthens performance through SAI PMF assessment

Port Vila, Vanuatu (26 June 2019)

An assessment of the public financial management (PFM) system of Vanuatu’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) was conducted in early June to provide a true and clear baseline of performance built around six core organisational areas in which a SAI should operate.

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The assessment in Vanuatu follows the successful SAI Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) planning workshop that was held in Fiji recently.

According to the INTOSAI Development Initiative, the SAI PMF provides SAIs with a framework for voluntary assessments of their performance against the International Standards for Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) and other established international good practices for external public auditing. SAI PMF is a multi-purpose, universal framework, and can be applied in all types of SAIs regardless of governance structure, mandate, national context and development level.

Vanuatu’s assessment was made possible through the Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project, which aims to strengthen oversight over public financial management in the Pacific region through improving the budgetary scrutiny, public financial oversight and accountability capacities of parliaments, supreme audit institutions and civil society within the region, aligning with international public financial oversight and accountability standards, and fostering citizen engagement and oversight. The Project is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI).

Under the umbrella of the Project and with additional core funding from PASAI development partners DFAT and MFAT, the Review team (comprised of the PASAI Director of Technical Support, A’eau Agnes Aruwafu, the SAI Fiji-QA Team Leader, Meresimani Katuba, the Senior Auditor for SAI Kiribati, Tokanikai Tiira, and SAI Kiribati Senior Auditor, Mr Ioteke Teweti) developed terms of reference with the Vanuatu OAG as the SAI PMF implementation began.

Following the two-week assessment, the Vanuatu Auditor General, Caleb Sandy, and the Office of the Auditor General underlined how helpful this exercise was in setting benchmarks for their work. 

“This assessment will be very useful for Vanuatu SAI to understand where we can improve and also highlight where the office is performing well,” said Sandy. “In particular, this will help me implement the audit mandate more effectively and make a difference to the lives of Vanuatu citizens and residents.”

PASAI Chief Executive Mr Tiofilusi Tiueti added, “The SAI PMF assessments are not only going to help strengthen our SAIs in the Region, but will also provide excellent baseline information for PASAI to determine appropriate interventions for our members.”


Download the press release


Contact information:

1. Jill Marshall, Communications Advisor, PASAI (Auckland, NZ) E: jill.marshall@pasai.org, P:+64 9 304 1893

2. Jone Tuiipelehaki Raqauqau, Effective Governance – Communications Associate, UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji. E: jone.raqauqau@undp.org, P: 3227 552



SAI PMF Assessment Team with the SAI Vanuatu Auditor General and his staff







Fiji PAC Workshop Enhanced Accountability and Transparency


Fiji PAC Workshop to Enhance Accountability and Transparency

Suva, Fiji (13 June 2019) – Members of the Fiji Public Accounts Committee (PAC) participated in a second series of workshops to build their capacity in better understanding their financial oversight role within the legislative process.

The role of the PAC is important in that it ensures public funds are spent effectively, efficiently and economically for the benefit of citizens.

The training was facilitated by the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) in collaboration with the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) in Fiji, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Pacific Technical Assistance Centre (PFTAC) on 4 - 5 of June 2019.

The workshop was implemented as part of the activities of the Strengthening Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project funded by the European Union (EU) by UNDP. PASAI is a responsible party to the project and delivers the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) component and contributes to the strengthening of the budget oversight capacities of PAC from the perspectives of SAIs.

The two-day workshop covered the Parliament’s accountability and reporting framework and the implications Parliament has on the PAC oversight role on public expenditure, compared to PAC roles in countries and regions around the world.

Members of the PAC were introduced to the Fiji budget process and budget documents, the regional Public Financial Management (PFM) and Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) review as well as the accounting and reporting framework.

Honorable Speaker of Parliament, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, who opened the workshop

Honorable Speaker of Parliament, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, who opened the workshop

In delivering his opening address for the training, the Speaker for the Parliament of the Republic of Fiji, Honourable Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, highlighted the importance of capacity building for the PAC Members.

“I cannot emphasise enough the importance of capacity building for you honourable members of the public accounts committee, (and other committees of parliament for that matter), to equip yourselves with technical skills and the knowledge to enhance your oversight roles and perform them effectively and efficiently,” said Hon. Ratu Nailatikau.

He added, ‘The programme complements other capacity-building programmes that have been undertaken by the committee over their term in office.’

The EU Programme Officer, Mr Miroslav Skriecka, in his closing remarks highlighted the EU support in this area.

''The EU is committed to support PFM reforms in the Region. EUR 11 million has been allocated to this end through the EDF11th regional project Strengthening Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific which has also facilitated this important workshop,” said Mr Skriecka.

“An essential component of the PFM EU regional project supports UNDP's and PASAI's contribution to improving the budgetary scrutiny, PFM oversight and accountability capacities of parliaments, supreme audit institutions, to align them with international standards and foster citizen engagement and oversight.

He added, “In order to achieve a holistic approach, the project also provides some funding to PFTAC and contributes to USP's capacity building work in PFM area.”

The objectives of the workshop are:

 to build the capacity of the members of the Fiji PAC to better understand their financial oversight role within the processes of Parliament;

 to facilitate efficient and effective scrutiny of the operations of the government organisations;

 to make the members of the PAC aware of both the Fiji SAI and PASAI and the work they perform in the country and the Pacific region.

The workshop for PAC Members was followed by a similar workshop for senior officials and management, including members of boards of government companies, commercial statutory authorities and other government agencies, on Thursday 6 June 2019.



Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project aims to strengthen oversight over public financial management in the Pacific region, through improving the budgetary scrutiny, public financial oversight and accountability capacities of parliaments, supreme audit institutions and civil society within the region, aligning with international public financial oversight and accountability standards, and fostering citizen engagement and oversight. The Strengthening of Public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI).

Download the Press Release

For more information contact:

1. Jill Marshall, Communications Advisor, PASAI (Auckland, NZ) E: jill.marshall@pasai.org, P: +64 9 304 1893

2. Jone Tuiipelehaki Raqauqau, Effective Governance – Communications Associate, UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji. E: jone.raqauqau@undp.org, P: (679) 3227 552


Attendees of the PAC workshop 4-5 June 2019

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PASAI’s PFM Consultant, Eroni Vatuloka

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Fiji Auditor-General, Ajay Nand, with the Chairman of the PAC Alvick Majaraj and EU Programme Officer

From crop technician to Integrity Ambassador: INTOSaint Assessment at Cook Islands Ministry of Agriculture

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After intensive training of Cook Island and NZ OAG staff and a roll-out of early assessments in SAIs in New Zealand and Australia, last week saw a self-assessment of integrity (SAINT) completed at the Cook Islands Ministry of Agriculture.

Allen Parker assisting the participants to develop recommendation

Allen Parker assisting the participants to develop recommendation

The SAINT assessment was part of the current IntoSAINT/SAINT tool pilot programme being carried out in the PASAI region. It was led by Allen Parker, Cook Islands Director of Audit and Anne McMahon Office Manager at Cook Islands Audit Office and supported by Jonathan Keate and Sarah Markley from SAI of New Zealand.

The Ministry of Agriculture is a critical part of the Cook Islands public sector due to the importance of agricultural activities to this small island nation’s economy, so it was very encouraging to be able to provide useful recommendations to strengthen integrity systems and also to encourage the 11 staff involved in the assessment to be integrity ambassadors within the Ministry and in their interactions with the community.

How Personnel Problems Impacted Premiums - FSM's audit of the Professional Premiums Program

The FSM National OPA's latest follow-up Performance Audit on the FSM Professional Premiums Program covering FY 2016-2018 entitled, Limited Capacities at the Division of Personnel Affects the Administration of the Professional and Market Place Premium Program, was submitted to the Congress and President on May 14, 2019.

You can access the full report by visiting the FSM website at www.fsmopa.fm

or download the report

SAI Guam offers full transparency by sharing its SAI PMF performance assessment report

In March 2019, when PASAI released their SAI Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) assessment of the Guam Office of Public Accountability (OPA), the SAI decided to share the results with all their stakeholders by publishing it on their website.

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OPA was one of six Public Auditor’s offices taking part in a regional project – “Supporting SAI Performance Measurement” in the North Pacific region, and one of eleven SAIs involved across the whole PASAI region. The assessment was conducted by the Atmita Jonathan, Deputy Auditor General of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI); Ayako Yamaguchi-Eliou, Performance Audit Manager of RMI, and the PASAI Director of Practice Development, Sinaroseta Palamo-Iosefo.

“The purpose of the assessment was to assist the OPA in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of its audit processes and capabilities against International Standards for Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) and other internationally established good practice…” the report’s Executive Summary stated.

The SAI PMF looked specifically into OPA’s independence and legal framework, internal governance and ethics, audit quality and reporting, financial management, assets, and support services, human resources and training, and communication with stakeholder management. With each topic, OPA was assessed and given a rating on whether the minimum international standards were met or not.

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“Our office is grateful to PASAI and the regional team for conducting a thorough review of OPA’s operations and performance. We did notice a dip in our ratings between the draft submitted to OPA last year and the final report we just received, which was attributed to the quality assurance review conducted by the INTOSAI Development Initiative representative. Nevertheless, our office remains committed to addressing the areas in need of improvement, and, in fact, have already taken steps through the issuance of our Strategic Plan 2019-2023 that identifies how we planned to correct these deficiencies,” said Public Auditor Benjamin Cruz (pictured right).

PASAI Director of Practice Development, Sina Palamo-Iosefo, who is leading the SAI PMF assessment roll-out both in the region and beyond into the INTOSAI community, was thrilled by SAI Guam’s decision to publish the report on their website. She comments, ‘While we encourage SAIs to publish their reports and lead by example on being transparent and accountable, according to SAI PMF methodology, it’s up to the discretion of the Head of SAI whether to publish or not and how the report will be used and distributed. Guam OPA is leading the way with this resolute action and commitment to improvement.’

Read the report online

Download the report

For more information, please contact Vincent Duenas at 475-0390 ext. 210 or visit the website at www.opaguam.org.

Lessons to learn: SAI Chuuk's performance audit of Educational Development project



The Office of the Chuuk State Public Auditor (OCPA) announces the release of Audit Report No. 2018-01, a performance audit entitled Faichuk Educational Development and Research Project (FEDRP): With Issues on Expenditures and on Performance Outcomes and Deliverables, which covered the fiscal year 2016 to 2017. The audit report is available for public viewing online at http://www.fmocpa.com. Likewise, printed copies are available at the OCPA in Nepokos, Weno, Chuuk.

Public Auditor,  Manuel Jr San Jose

Public Auditor,
Manuel Jr San Jose

The Public Auditor’s authority is based on the Chuuk State Constitution Article VIII Section 9 and Truk State Law 6-21 which states in part: “The Auditor shall conduct audits of all financial transactions of all branches, departments, offices, agencies, and instrumentalities of the government, and of all accounts kept by or for them.”

We conducted the performance audit in accordance with US General Audit Standards.

The objectives of this audit included determining if (a) the spending of the project funds complied with relevant FSM/Chuuk laws and regulations, agreement, and with the terms and conditions of the contract; and, (b) the agreed output and outcomes for the project were effectively accomplished.

Based on our audit, we conclude that certain practices and expenditures of Rauchholz International Consulting (RIC) were not in accordance with laws, regulations and the terms and conditions of the agreement. One of the most important requirements of an entity receiving grant money is to establish and maintain financial management and internal control system. We found that the RIC had inadequate financial management and internal control system. The weakness in internal control over the project expenditures is an indicative of higher risk. The contract with the RIC, which was documented using a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), requires that the RIC should comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. In addition, the grant terms and conditions of the notice of grant award also require compliance with all laws and regulations governing the use of federal grant funds. Specifically, our audit has disclosed the following weaknesses:

1. Inadequate Financial Management System;

2. No Proper Segregation of Function in the Approval of Transactions

3. Inadequate Handling of Cash and Cash in Bank;

4. Expending of Funds for Certain Salaries and Wages Did Not Follow Laws and Regulations;

5. Expending of Funds for Certain Travels Did Not Follow Regulations and the Restriction on the use of the Funds for Foreign Travel;

6. Certain Expenditures Charged to Consumable were Not Allowable;

7. Certain Expenditures Charged to Contractual Account was not Properly Supported and/or Unallowable;

8. No Written Policies on Recording and Maintenance of Fixed Assets;

In addition, we found that there were inadequate delivery of project output and accomplishment of outcomes. Some activities need to be defined with measures that would demonstrate impact and benefits to the student.

We offered numerous recommendations to improve the issues and weaknesses noted in our audit.

We received ‘Management Response’ to the findings, which were mostly in disagreement. We included such response in the final report.

Read the report online

Download the report.

Printed copies are available from the OCPA in Nepokos, Weno, Chuuk.

Office of the Chuuk State Public Auditor P.O Box B Weno, Chuuk FM 96942

Tel: 691.330.8832/8835; Fax 691.330.8840

Assessment teams equipped to roll out the SAI PMF measurement tool across the PASAI region


Friday 10 May 2019

The SAI PMF Tool will strengthen governance in the Pacific

Nadi, Fiji: The Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) in collaboration with the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) facilitated a planning workshop on measuring the performance of public audit offices.

Fourteen participants from six government audit offices namely State Chuuk of the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Pohnpei, Tonga and Vanuatu, including the facilitators and PASAI Secretariat, attended the workshop in Nadi, Fiji on 6-10 May 2019 at Novotel Nadi Hotel. The objective of the workshop is to build capabilities of public auditors in using a measurement tool, the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) SAI Performance Measurement Framework (SAI PMF) to enable them to peer review each other’s performance.

Use of the SAI PMF tool was piloted in the Pacific region and implemented in other INTOSAI regions. Measuring the performance of SAIs ensures that government audit offices have the capacity and resources to conduct quality audits that contribute to good governance and make a difference in the lives of citizens.

The SAI PMF assessment will provide a true and clear baseline of performance built around six core organisational areas. Without this baseline, SAIs find it difficult to measure improvement against key performance indicators. Several PASAI SAIs already have this baseline information as a result of Phase 1 of the SAI PMF roll-out, and the SAIs participating in this workshop will now experience its practical application, as an assessment of their Offices will be conducted during the year. Future SAI PMF assessments will then map performance change over a period of time to feed into the SAI’s strategic planning activities.

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Facilitated by Sinaroseta Palamo-Iosefo, PASAI’s Director Practice Development and Irina Sprenglewski, IDI’s SAI PMF Advisor, the workshop provided more than an overview of the importance of measuring and reporting on performance. Delegates were able to run through a number of realistic scenarios to strengthen their learning which will be useful when they conduct these assessments over the next few months.

Says Meresimani from the Fiji Auditor General’s Office, ‘It has been very illuminating to see how SAI PMF can be used to highlight areas of weakness and potential within each SAI. As it is an evidence-based tool, we learned first-hand how to use the tool by asking the right questions, obtaining proper evidence and finally by recording our responses in an effective and meaningful manner.’

The workshop has been the first activity funded under the new donor partnership established between PASAI and the EU under the Strengthening of public Finance Management and Governance in the Pacific Project. The Strengthening of Public Financial Management and Governance in the

Pacific Project aims to strengthen oversight over public financial management in the Pacific region, through improving the budgetary scrutiny, public financial oversight and accountability capacities of parliaments, supreme audit institutions and civil society within the region, aligning with international public financial oversight and accountability standards, and fostering citizen engagement and oversight. Strengthening of Public Financial Management and Governance in the Pacific Project is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

PASAI and IDI were honoured to welcome UNDP representatives, Marine Destrez and Manjeet Singh, to the first day of the workshop. In her opening remarks, Ms Destrez explained that this workshop is part of a whole spectrum of activities included in a new pool of funding created by the European Union (EU) that is dedicated to strengthening public financial management (PFM). Funding programs such as these are essential to strong governance, she went on. Public financial management covers frameworks, institutions and tools and brings together diverse stakeholders at the different stages of the Public Finance cycle. Audit Institutions play an important role in the oversight of PFM plans, processes and results and are an essential part of the transparency and accountability landscape of PFM. Both PASAI and EU/UNDP anticipate great collaborations on these important issues.

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PASAI also acknowledges the continuous support of the Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).


For more information contact:

Mr. Tiofilusi Tiueti

Chief Executive PASAI Secretariat

Email: tiofilusi.tiueti@pasai.org

Telephone: +64 9 304 1275

Website: www.pasai.org

Download the press release

Read the press release online